The Christmas Gift Book Set

The Christmas Gift Book Set
Giving children a "Stable Background" as they learn about the real meaning of Christmas

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Loneliness is an epidemic, even in the U.S.  People may feel isolated and lonely because of death, age, divorce, moving, children growing up and of so many other things.  I remember a transition period in my life where I dreaded weekends because I would be alone.  If I had at least one plan for the weekend, it would be so much easier.  I would go to church and wish someone would ask me to go to lunch with them.  I had family nearby, but everyone was busy with their own lives!

Mother Teresa talks about the poverty of feeling unwanted in the following quote:

Monday, September 22, 2014

Things They'll Remember:

The stories that you read to them
Before they go to bed
The comfort of your presence
While their prayers are being said

The birthday cakes with candles
For all their growing years
the sharing of their secrets
the drying of their tears

The snowman that you helped create
The visits to the zoo
Summer outings at the beach
The family barbecue

Little things that seem to go
Unnoticed and unsung
Are the things they will remember
Of the days when they were young

And the loving care that lies behind
These little things will be
A lasting recollection
And a cherished memory.

(Found on This 'N That )